
Showing posts from May, 2017

The Nigeria I see: Project Nigeria and Team Redwood

Today is Democracy day! I’m happy – not because I don’t face the same challenges that the average Nigerian does but because I am part of a generation that is rewriting Nigeria’s story. A generation that is turning stumbling blocks to stepping stones and seeing opportunities for growth and change in seemingly bleak situations. Below is an interview with a game changer – A proud Nigerian and person of impact. Enjoy! Samuel T. Segun is a Social Entrepreneur , Educator, and Researcher. As a social entrepreneur, He is a Co-founder of Redwood Leadership and Lead Researcher for its innovation lab focused on advancing, market & political research in Nigeria. He also serves as National Curator of Project Nigeria, a nation building platform estimated to have impacted over 25000 Nigerians at the end of 2016. He is also a member of the TEDx Calabar core team and  the Global Shapers Community, Calabar Hub.   TNIS:    Thank you, Mr. Segun for this opportunity. Can you